Senin, 05 Desember 2011

CFW FREEZ^3 by DIVIDI V51.0.002 RM-588


Update CFW Freez^3 base C6V51 by Me
Thanks 'n' Credit to All Symbian Modders, Binh24,Vova,Areku ..

Change Log ;

Belle Icon Toolbar with Android Icon
English and Indonesian Language, support Arab Text Message Lang
Default Themes Transparant Black by Shadow
Mod Icon Anna Skin from Binh24,Vova n Areku
Font Nokia with Symbol
FixBug Smile Text by Notr3v3 with N8 smiley
4x4 menu Grid Portrait and 6x2 menu Landscape
New Nokia Web Browser v.

and many mod ,that U can see here


CORE credit to BINH24

Theme Nokia White Tranparant

Theme Cube 3D Christmas Edition

Desk Clock Belle icon anna

use this ori Firmware to Update your Nokia 5230 from V50 to V51.0.002 then u can Flash with my CFW above

FW ORI WHITE RED V51 RM-588 English Indonesia language ;

17 komentar:

  1. Which languange U use ?nothin bug cam in english n indonesian

  2. mantap bgt cfw nya bro..
    tp gimana caranya memasukkan ovi maps yg versinya lbh tinggi?? (v3.04 diganti v3.06) soalnya aku coba ternyata filenya terlalu besar. atau gimana caranya menghapus aplikasi yg tdk diperlukan?? mohon pencerahannya,aku msh newbie..thx bro.

  3. gimana caranya integrasi i-sms ke message sama ttpod ke music,bro??

  4. aduh sayang ya gak bisa buat 5233 RM-625.... padahal ane udah ngiler liat tu cfw

  5. Pakai ovi map installer aja bro,n gogling mod isms trbaru n masukin ke rofse nya :)

  6. Yg ttpod sama gan,tinggal drag n drop mod nya ke rofs2

  7. nyari modnya dimana,bro??
    oya,setelah aku nyoba cfwnya koq batere jd cpt abis,bro..knp ya?
    sori bro,bnyk nanya msh newbie.
    thx infonya.

  8. mod nya ada di gogling aja..kalo dpake ngenet cpat abiz btraina..kalo cuma cmz n telp bs than 2hr

  9. ijin sedot gan :) tampilannya asik :D

  10. ..ś..¡¡¡¡¡¡¡-ℙℙℙℙ ...°°° gan

  11. ditunggu utk versi 5233 rm 625

  12. Rm625 ada di blog diyoke gan,sori bru sempet liat blog :p

  13. link nya rusak gan . ada alternatif gag ?

  14. Bro,, punya ane dulu pake CFW ini nge flash,, skg gagal startup tulisannya gini "pengaktifan telepon gagal, hubungi penjual" gara2 MOD nambahin belle clock di forum dailymobile,,, gmn ni solusi please help As Soon As Possible,... Link nya jg rusak itu. kl bisa sms ane 087700500092

  15. Iye gan,,mungkin mod belle clock daily sudah co id,, agan flash ulang aja pake file lamanya?.. Link da rusak,ane kaga bs uplod lg gan..thx da sempat pakai cfw ni gan

  16. Regalistik@ sori gan,,link sudah co id,,
